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Legal notice

Information regarding the website owners

IRIZAR E-MOBILITY owner of the domain, is an entity with registered address at Aduna (Gipuzkoa), Erribera Industria Gunea, 1 and fiscal VAT ID B75103515. The contact e-mail address is the following: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This entity is registered in the Commercial Registry of Euskadi (Basque Registry of Commercials ) with number SS-36186.

General conditions of use

The purpose of these general conditions is to regulate and inform users about the use of the website.

The navigation and use of the website’s services entail accepting as a user, and with no reservations of any type, all the general conditions of use. For this, we recommend that all portal users read these conditions before navigating the website.

IRIZAR E-MOBILITY may, at any time and without prior notice, modify these general conditions by publishing them in the website so that users may become familiar with them beforehand.

In addition, access to the website is subject to all the notices, conditions of use and instructions made available to users by IRIZAR E-MOBILITY, which substitute, complete and/or modify this Legal Notice. 

Limited responsibility

IRIZAR E-MOBILITY does not guarantee the constant availability of the services and is exempt of any type of responsibility for possible damages caused by the service’s unavailability due to force majeure or errors in the telematic data transfer networks, beyond its will.

The users access this website by their own account and risk, in such a way that IRIZAR E-MOBILITY  is not responsible for the errors or omissions that may affect the contents of this website or other contents accessed through it, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other detrimental elements that may damage or alter computer systems, electronic documents or the user’s files from this website. Therefore, IRIZAR E-MOBILITY  is not responsible for damages that these elements may cause to users or third parties.

Personal data protection

In compliance with the contents of the Law 34/2002 dated 11 July of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) and of the Organic Law 15/1999 dated 13 December of Personal Data Protection (LOPD), IRIZAR E-MOBILITY  guarantees the complete privacy of the personal data of the website’s users and customers. All the personal data sent completely voluntarily through the forms or e-mails that comprise the website form part of a file owned by IRIZAR E-MOBILITY  that has been properly registered in the General Data Protection Registry (RGPD). The personal data collected via the website will be processed in order to:

– Manage the company’s personnel selection, if sending your CV,

  • Manage information and/or query requests, or
  • Process registrations in the IRIZAR E-MOBILITY extranet and manage the after-sales service.

Users are informed of their right to exercise their rights to access, rectify, cancel or oppose their personal data by requesting this in writing to IRIZAR E-MOBILITY with registered address at Erribera Industria Gunea, 1, 20150, Aduna , Gipuzkoa, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The request must contain the following information: the user’s name and surnames, address for notifications, photocopy of their national ID document or passport, and the specific contents of the right being exercised.

IRIZAR E-MOBILITY will save the personal data it collects, adopting the necessary measures so as to prevent its unauthorised alteration, loss, processing or access, in accordance with what applicable regulations. By providing this information, you unequivocally agree to IRIZAR E-MOBILITY collect your personal data and process it according to what is indicated here.

Cookies policy

A cookie is a small text file stored in your browser when you visit almost any website. It is used so the website can remember your visit when you return to that page again. Cookies usually store technical information, personal preferences, content personalisation, usage statistics, links to social networks, user account access, etc. The aim of a cookie is to adapt the content of the website to your profile and needs. Without cookies, the services offered by any page would be significantly less. If you wish to consult more information about cookies, what they store, how to delete them, how to deactivate them, etc., visit this link.


Users (individuals as well as legal entities) that aim to establish or establish a hyperlink from a webpage in another Internet portal to the IRIZAR E-MOBILITY portal must be subject to the following conditions:

  • Request express, reasoned and written authorisation from:


Erribera Industria Gunea, 1, 20150, Aduna (Gipuzkoa) Spain, or the e-mail address  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and in no case may a lack of a reply to the request be considered as an implied authorisation to create the link. In addition, IRIZAR E-MOBILITY may deny the request to its full discretion, without having to explain the rejection.

  • If IRIZAR E-MOBILITY authorises the possibility of creating a link from a third party website, it will always be done to the homepage (simple link) and never to one of the specific sections included in the portal (deep link).
  • Users must notify IRIZAR E-MOBILITY of any changes to their portal contents, reserving the possibility of denying the previously granted authorisation without having to provide an explanation.

It is not permitted to include in the link’s proximity false, inexact or incorrect statements that may introduce errors about the portal’s contents or do not comply with the law, morality, public order or generally accepted customs and could damage in the virtual market the image of IRIZAR E-MOBILITY, its companies, customers or any third party related to IRIZAR E-MOBILITY.

Irizar web pages may contain links to websites of other suppliers that may be of interest. However, as they are beyond the control of Irizar, it is not responsible for the content of these websites, the operation of the linked page or possible damages that may arise from accessing them. 

Intellectual and industrial property

The contents of all the elements included in the website accessible via the URL, such as images, brands, commercial names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, videos, graphics, logos, icons, software or any other symbols susceptible to industrial and commercial use are protected by the industrial and intellectual property rights of IRIZAR E-MOBILITY and/or other legitimate partners that have granted it the corresponding usage rights. The industrial and intellectual property of all the mentioned contents is properly protected by Spanish legislation, therefore prohibiting any use and/or reproduction of them without the express consent of IRIZAR E-MOBILITY.

Any full or partial use of the website’s contents consisting of the reproduction, distribution, public communication of any type and through any medium is strictly prohibited, express with the express and written authorisation of IRIZAR E-MOBILITY.

In no case will it be understood that the user’s access and navigation implies an authorisation or renouncement, transmission, full/partial transfer or granting of any right or expectation of right, specifically for the alteration, transformation, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of these contents without the prior express authorisation of IRIZAR E-MOBILITY or the corresponding owners.


Applicable legislation and corresponding jurisdiction

Spanish legislation is the applicable legislation for this Legal Notice, and the corresponding jurisdiction for any lawsuits involving this website is the Courts and Tribunals of Gipuzkoa.


Translation to different languages

All the information and documentation available on the English version of this website is provided for merely informative purposes. If there is any discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original version in Spanish, the latter shall prevail.