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The Irizar Group is currently actively involved in major European projects for the future electrification of cities and public passenger transport. This international dimension can be seen in projects such as autonomous driving, improvements in energy storage systems, energy efficiency, standardisation of charging systems, connectivity, big data or artificial intelligence.

Autonomous vehicles

The goal of the AUTOMOST "Dual Transport System Automatic Guidance" is to develop technologies that make it possible to automate vehicles for urban and industrial transport applications in order to significantly increase efficiency, safety and sustainability. It is financed by the CDTI (Centre for Industrial Technological Development) of the Ministry of Economy of Spain. The demonstrator of a dual-mode bus will function as a commercial shuttle at the cruise terminal in the port of Malaga. Testing will take place during a number of months in real traffic conditions.

AUTODRIVE is a European Commission funded programme involving a consortium of more than 40 companies from the automotive world. AutoDrive brings together leading companies, suppliers, manufacturers and research centres from the European semiconductor industry to create a pan-European ecosystem with the critical mass needed to create standards and provide components and sub-systems for driverless vehicles.

The results of AutoDrive will significantly contribute to safer and more efficient mobility.

Energy efficiency

EBSF2 (European Bus System Of The Future 2)

The European Bus System of the Future 2 project, financed by the H2020 programme of the European Commission, involves the development and validation of different solutions combining the efficiency of bus systems in an organized way with the objective of reducing the energy consumption of electric buses. Currently work is taking place to demonstrate advanced energy efficiency techniques in electric vehicles (A / C system, eco-assistant and smart management of auxiliary elements). This great European demonstrator is testing, among others things, technologies developed by Irizar in the area of assistance for efficient driving.

Power storage

SADE: Safe Storage Systems

This project has been co-financed by the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda as part of the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation.The project aims to research and develop a battery-pack solution designed for the urban mobility opportunity charging strategy. The development will have a working prototype, to be validated and tested on a laboratory scale.

Fast and intelligent vehicle charging infrastructure

ASSURED: Intelligent Fast Charging Infrastructure for large vehicles

The ASSURED project proposal addresses "The integration of electric commercial vehicles into the fast charging infrastructure" of the Green Vehicle work program. A consortium with 40 participants from 12 EU member countries will carry out the work.

The overall objective of ASSURED is to analyze the needs of cities, operators and end users to derive the characteristics and requirements of the new generation of heavy electric vehicles (such as buses), medium-duty trucks and light-duty vehicles to operate in urban environments.

This achieves cost improvement results, as well as developing the new generation of modular high voltage charging systems for electric vehicles and developing innovative charging management strategies.

Connectivity - Big Data


Based on the notion that urban bus transportation electrification objectives cannot be achieved through current technology, the Irizar Group has put forward the eFLEET project to develop technologies and strategies for the creation of eMobility solutions (urban public transport based on 100% electric buses) that are modular flexible and scalable in order to make viable the mass deployment of medium / large electric bus fleets, thus minimizing the impact on the power grid and reducing initial and operational costs. eFLEET is an important strategic challenge as it seeks to unlock the limitations of a booming market in which the IRIZAR Group has been positioning itself since 2011.


This project will offer cities a new environmentally sustainable waste collection service based on research into new electromobility techniques that will result in a new hybrid truck that will use intelligent algorithms to guarantee 100% electric operation within urban centres. Furthermore, thanks to the implementation of public access charging infrastructures, this project will promote urban development based on sustainability, efficiency and the use of clean energy, fundamental pillars of the Smart City concept.

On the other hand, thanks to the development of this project, the necessary knowledge will be obtained for the deployment of electric charging stations for heavy industrial vehicles both nationally and internationally. The following objectives are to be achieved:

  1. To develop the technologies for obtaining a hybrid industrial vehicle with more durable storage systems, more efficient engine control and an optimised tractor and HW system.
  2. A new public, interoperable and managed on-demand charging system that increases and improves charging power, with optimised energy management coordinated with fleets.

Project funded by the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government (HAZITEK Programme) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Industrial research on innovative solutions to decarbonize, digitize and automate urban transport with zero-emission buses


Project funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU through the call for the year 2021 Sustainable Automotive Technology Program, within the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience and the State Program to Catalyze Innovation and Business Leadership of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023 promoted by the Center for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI).

  • Research Organizations: ITAINNOVA – Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón, Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation y CTAG – Centro Tecnolóxico de Automoción de Galicia.

iPOWER4.0 project

The iPOWER4.0 project, entitled "Digital-Modelled intelligent powertrain for connected electric bus", in which Irizar e-mobility participates along with Irizar, Jema, Datik, Alconza, ITS and Virtualware, has been financed by the SPRI in the HAZITEK 2018 programme.

The aim of the project is to research and generate the knowledge to begin the digital transformation of bus manufacturing processes and the creation of new products/services to make the third generation of electric vehicles a reality.


The CYBADEK project entitled "Technologies for the development and safe operation of the land transport infrastructure of the future" in which Irizar e-mobility participates along with, Serikat, Alse, Datik, Eurocybcar, Masermic, S21sec, Sabico and Tesec, has been financed by the Basque Business Development Agency, SPRI, as part of the HAZITEK 2019 project.

The aim of the project is to advance in the provision of three groups of specific technologies called CPSoS (Cyber Physical Systems of Systems): Vehicles, Infrastructure and Services. To this end, state-of-the-art solutions will be investigated towards the change of paradigm that will make possible the so-called CPSoS, which will allow the consortium to approach the above-mentioned cyber-physical systems focused on the land transport sector and its infrastructure.

COACH2 project

The COACH2 project, “Solutions for the decarbonisation of long-distance passenger transport by means of fuel cell propulsion systems”, has been funded by the SPRI in the HAZITEK 2021 programme.

The aim is to lead the long-distance zero-emission coach market, carrying out different research tasks that will determine the propulsion, storage and vehicle structure solutions. This will enable the business group to manufacture a new long-distance coach with hydrogen fuel cell propulsion.

NGE-BUS Project

The NGE-BUS project, "New Generation Efficient Urban Electric Bus", has been funded by SPRI in the HAZITEK 2022 program.

The objective is to develop a new specific urban electric bus platform that maximizes energy efficiency, vehicle autonomy and dynamic capacity that will allow IRIZAR e-MOBILITY to remain at the forefront of the market.

Project funded by the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government (HAZITEK Program) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

BAT3 project

The BAT3 project, "Development of new generation batteries for the electromobility sector in the ENERGY segment", has been funded by SPRI in the HAZITEK 2022 program.

The objective is to expand the range of IRIZAR E-MOBILITY batteries thanks to the research and development of the third generation of batteries for the electromobility sector in the ENERGY segment.

Project funded by the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government (HAZITEK Program) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

CIBERBUS project


The objective of the project is to minimize the risks of cyber-attacks both in the internal manufacturing processes of the business group and in its products (buses and coaches), developing for this purpose different tools that allow them to minimize the chances of suffering cyber-attacks, as well as mitigate them in case they occur.