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The Irizar ie tram awarded the Muévete Verde prize by the City of Madrid and the Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid

The Irizar ie tram awarded the Muévete Verde prize by the City of Madrid and the Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid

This Friday Irizar e-mobility received the Muévete Verde prize in the Decarbonising Transport category.  The prizes are organised by the City of Madrid and the Municipal Transport Company of Madrid. And their goal is to identify, publicise and give recognition to the best initiatives in the field of sustainable, safe and digitalised mobility in the city of Madrid.

Irizar e-mobility won the award thanks to their Irizar ie tram model bus, which is a 100% electric vehicle whose innovative design has led to the success of the first Bus Rapid line in Madrid, which was put into operation by the Municipal Transport Company.

The Irizar ie tram has contributed to the popularity of the high-volume service among users and the international image of Madrid and the EMT.

The Madrid Bus Rapid uses this unique model to operate in a special reserved lane with traffic signal priority and ticket machines at the stops that contribute to making it twice as fast as a conventional line. It’s a high-quality collective service provided with high-quality vehicles, like the ie tram, that makes it possible to attract users to the sustainable mobility system and reduce the carbon footprint for transport in the city.

The award was received by Iñigo Azcona, Irizar e-mobility Commercial Director for Spain and Portugal, who thanked the city and the EMT Madrid for their recognition. “We’re very proud to be able to be by your side in the process of technological transformation and decarbonisation Madrid is going through. Thank you for choosing the ie tram to implement the first Bus Rapid line in Madrid, and for letting us be part of this exceptional project. We hope we can keep working and collaborating together for many years”, he commented.

Muévete Verde Awards

Muévete Verde (go green) is the motto and title of the awards the City of Madrid and the Municipal Transport Company has given since 2007 to identify, publicise and give recognition to the best initiatives in the field of sustainable urban mobility with an impact on the city of Madrid.

This year, 2024, the 28th edition was held. And, like previous editions, it was open to everyone who, in the scope of their activities, contributes good practices that directly or indirectly benefit mobility in the capital.

The principle national, regional, municipal, academic, and citizen entities involved in managing urban mobility collaborated to identify, evaluate and select the best practices. The jury was made up of representatives from:

  • The International Public Transport Union (UITP)
  • The Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenges
  • The Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings
  • CONAMA Foundation
  • The Regional Consortium for Transport of Madrid
  • The General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Autonomous Community of Madrid
  • The Regional Federation of Residents’ Associations of Madrid
  • The Madrid-CEOE (CEIM) Business Confederation
  • The Madrid Chamber of Commerce
  • The Polytechnic University of Madrid
  • The Area of Government for Mobility and the Environment of Madrid
  • The Municipal Transport Company of Madrid
  • Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
  • Kearny
  • IE Business School
  • IESE Business School 

The categories have evolved over the last few editions to adapt to the most pressing challenges for urban mobility. This year has the following categories: Award for the Best Customer Experience on transport, Innovation in mobility, Decarbonisation of transport, the Digital Transformation of mobility and Research for sustainable mobility. In that way, the 360 Sustainable Mobility Plan and the EMT Madrid Strategic Plan are making a difference with the major challenges and needs faced by Madrid in regard to urban mobility.